Who is Vyv?

Vyvienn is not my real name (surprise, surprise!). She was born many years ago as a character in a role-playing game and represents everything that I would like to manifest in my own life: strength, beauty, integrity, boundless love, empathy, and wisdom. But as in life, she has a dark sister, a vengeful angel who knows no restraints, yet operates entirely in matters of injustice. So the two keep the balance.

5 thoughts on “Who is Vyv?

  1. Hi,
    bin über Dich in der SZ-Online gestolpert.
    Bist sicherlich ein “Tastenklicker”

    Gruß, Frank

    PS: Mein Profil im Suedcafé findest Du unter disabled

  2. Keep the dark sister out of your thoughts, dreams and life! You are very persistent, so you should succeed.

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